Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Tinted window film lets controlled sunlight in while keeping most UV rays out

Certain times of the day, the glare of Northern Illinois’ summer sun is almost blinding in some of your rooms. You could almost find yourself sitting at the kitchen table wearing sunglasses. It’s also difficult keeping the temperature under control as the sunlight challenges the ability of the air conditioning to moderate the heat. One solution is to pull the shades. But, if you prefer not to recede into a cave-like dwelling, there is another alternative – tinted window film.

During the summer, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. The sun bears down on the region in ways that can drive the mercury to 100 degrees and above. The Ultra-Violet rays of the sun are at work throughout the year but, during the summer, there’s a greater duration of sunlight, with longer daylight hours, and the sun is delivered more directly.

Those UV rays help to heat the earth, but they also give people sunburns. What they do to the flesh they also do to other surfaces, such as floors, walls and furniture.

In terms of the non-animate surfaces mentioned above, UV rays have a bleaching effect. It’s as though they suck the color out of everything they touch.

Often, you don’t see the effects of the sun on your floors and furniture because the change happens gradually. But, if you pull a cabinet out from the wall, or flip up a corner of a rug, you’ll see the floor below, where it was protected from the UV rays, in its original state. You’ll find the contrast, protected-floor vs sun-bleached floor, dramatic.

Tinted window film offers a protective barrier that lets reduced sunlight in while blocking UV rays

Tinted window film is a remarkable material. You can choose the amount of tinting you want, so that a desired amount of light comes through but, regardless of which film you use, you’ll block 99.9 percent of UV rays. You can block 99.9 percent of UV rays even if you apply a clear film.

Unlike drawing the curtains, or pulling down the shades, window tint doesn’t hide you away from the world outside. You can still look out on a beautiful sunny day but you won’t have to shield your eyes and squint to do so.

Window tint is also a friend to your air conditioning and your electric bill. You no longer have to pay to remove the heat that the UV rays pump into your home or office.

Installation of window film is not a Do-It-Yourself kind of project. It’s amazing to watch a professional expertly position the film and roll all the bubbles out. Unless you have the technique down, however, rather than amazed, you’re likely to experience frustration.

When that professional is finished installing your tinted window film, you’ll enjoy a nearly glare-free view on another beautiful Northern Illinois summer. And, you’ll only need your sunglasses when you go outdoors.